
Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Yeeehaw! I did it! I registered a new domain!

After hours, days and even weeks of intensive, mind-numbing and time-wasting research - I finally nailed it.

I decided which domain name I should use and registered it right now at SBI.

This feels sooo relieving. My virtual assistant is also sitting in the fences, ready to plug in my content for me - of format, order or enrich existing content.

Time to start seriously working now. I can produce all the content I want now - nothing will hold me back anymore.

Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Menthol "incense" makes me focus more

English: Menthol
English: Menthol (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I really enjoy working in an atmosphere of refreshing cool air.

The best way to do this, is to take some menthol crystals and put them on a piece of hot charcoal.

For example shisha coal.

It freshens up the room immediately, and in combination with a cup of coffee this is the perfect wake-up combination!

Disadvantage: if you use too much menthol, the air will sting and it's not so healthy.

Advantage: you can use it in many other ways.
  • Put it into a candle, 
  • in hot water, 
  • use it in the sauna...

Animated SpaceFill representation of menthol. ...
Animated SpaceFill representation of menthol. Done using the real time open source QuteMol system. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Choosing a domain name is hard

Since it's such an important decision, I have lost days on this question already:

What is the perfect domain name for my site?

Of course, SBI gives me great pointers on how to decide, but the final decision is still mine to do. Interestingly, my virtual assistant has given me some good input on a new subsection of content to write about.

Must look out that he does not take over my business :D

He is really, really smart. And hardworking.

Not lazy like me!

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Working focussed on both of my website projects - how to keep concentrated

Another great day for building my future!

I grabbed my girlfriend - who is writing her own book - and we decided to spend the day working side by side together, instead of each one of us alone in their dark room.

Unsocial computer geek instantly transformed into meaningful date. How cool is that?! :)

I got caught by my own productivity trick I set up long ago on my second laptop, which I took to her to work with. As I routinely tried to check something on Facebook - it must have been reaaally important - the Leachblocker plugin hit me and blocked the site!

It payed off setting up a productivity program once - and forgetting it. Now I'm blogging instead of Facebook lurking...

Probably a bit more effective but not working yet.

Let's get back to keyword research and business planning. There is much to do!

Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Planning the hell out of my new site

Using Site Build It, I plan my monetization potential for my new website about outsourcing. Unfortunately, the tool that says how profitable each keyword will be, Adwords, gives me different answers depending on if I use a german or english Gmail account.


But training my virtual assistant goes along well - he is very throrough - and we get many tasks done on my old website, too.

As soon as he "gets" the CMS, the content management system, of SBI, I will let hell loose and rework my old site to increase its potential - greatly.

There will be

  • an advertise here site
  • direct selling of ads to interested partners instead of google (with preformed email templates for my VA to use)
  • a donation page
  • more cool ebooks
  • perhaps some cool podcast
  • the money can be reinvested in prices for the best stories

and the list of improvements is endless.

Oh yeah and I'll audit the heck out of each and every site to make everything shiny and nice :)

There is only one risk:

If my VA jumps off the ship without warning, my efforts would pretty much be screwed.

Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2012

Started Outsourcing Project with my Virtual assistant

Today I started a new SBI site as a project. I am pretty excited about it.

Gave me a whole new kick in the rear. Especially since I won't be doing it alone, but with my trusted VA, or virtual assistant, from Odesk.

Image representing oDesk as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase

I will teach him all I know about website creation and while doing so, will document what we learn and do together.

And just on a side note. I am sure this project will be profitable as hell!